Consistency is a good thing.
A leader is someone who is consistent. Or so it says in all of the textbooks and studies on leadership. <insert favorite shoulder shrug emoji>
I am almost embarrassed to admit that recently considered taking that viral “post your blonde-versus-dark hair challenge” on Facebook, where you post a profile pic of when your hair was blonde and one when your hair was dark for a side-by-side comparison. I did not go through with it and actually post it because we all know that is just Facebook’s way of compiling data of for facial recognition purposes, right? <insert your favorite conspiracy theory here>
Anyway, I couldn’t think of a time where I actually had blonde hair and the closest thing to blonde that I ever got was in the picture on the left posted above. That headshot was taken in 2000! While I began reminiscing and and realizing that I am rolling into my 21st year in the real estate association management, I decided to look at other headshots of mine. Eek! For as much as I have championed for change in our industry, I apparently have not applied it to my style.
What are your thoughts on consistency in leadership while still embracing change?
While you ponder that thought, enjoy my ten-year progression of consistent looks, starting in 2000 on the left, moving clockwise to 2010, and then rounding out this year’s 2020 look. All taken by different photographers who are all very good and consistent with Photoshop.