Jessica M. Hickok

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Association of Real Estate License Law Officials (“ARELLO®”)

Now that you know our acronym, here is what we do.

Our mission is to support jurisdictions in the administration and enforcement of their real estate license laws. This means that ARELLO® is the trade association serving the state real estate commissions (also called departments of real estate, boards of real estate, professional licensing boards, etc.). While we offer support to these jurisdictions for keeping them informed of the trending regulatory issues we have core programs such as:

  1. Accreditation of the national real estate exam.

  2. Certification of distance education courses offered online.

  3. Host a public license verification system.

  4. Track the largest disciplinary actions database to ensure public safety.

  5. Significant data compilations in a digest format that fuels our published research papers.

And that list is just the beginning of the many benefits our association offers to our members and industry partners. We host important and valuable conferences twice a year plus a robust regulatory investigators seminar and a legal exchange that is well attended each year.